Race Across The West
On June 14th, a team of four Team Suicide Prevention bicycle racers (Bill Taitano, Joel Kantor, Tim Whiteside, and Craig Jackson) will embark along with their awesome support crew in the Race Across The West (RAW for short, even though it’s neither short or easy). For 10 years RAW has attracted ultracyclists from around the globe to take on the finest terrain the western USA has to offer. Starting in Oceanside, California and following the first 930 miles of the Race Across America (RAAM) route, winding your way through four states, ending up in the cycling mecca of Durango, CO. Three of the racers on our team for RAW actually were finishers in the epic 3,037 mile 2021 RAAM event across twelve states in a time of 7d 19h 34m.
Traveling west to east from the sandy beaches of Oceanside, over the Sierra Mountains and into the scorching Mojave and Sonoran deserts and eventually ending up on the Animas River nestled in the Rocky Mountain town of Durango, The Race Across the West route offers the best of the wild west!
So why are we doing this? Team Suicide Prevention is a team of cyclists that race endurance races like Race Across The West and Race Across America to raise awareness surrounding the need for suicide prevention. We proudly partner with local organizations such as Hope is Oxygen, The Coffee Bunker, and Hope is Alive. After our successful finish in the 2021 Race Across America event, we’ve been able to donate thousands of dollars back to our local partner organizations and we are not done yet with these donations which have been enabled from the support of our followers such as you. Your donations have made a huge difference in both individuals and families who have been touched by suicide or mental health issues.
Please visit our website to read about our Team’s story and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. A donation from you can and will make a difference in people lives.
Let’s take a closer look at the challenges of Race Across The West. Teamwork, endurance, and cycling skills will be of the upmost importance to finish. It’s not only the 930 mile length of the race but it’s also the fact that it is a true race against the clock and other teams. There is a hard race cut-off time of 68 hours to finish thus the race runs on a 24 hour non-stop clock. We ride day and night through whatever weather conditions we are challenged with. The images below will give you an idea of the geography and the associated challenges.
Race Across The West starts in Oceanside, CA and finishes in Durango, Co.
The four racers on Team Suicide Prevention will ride in two teams of two racers each with their support crew/follow vehicle and will ride in six hour blocks of time. Below, you will see what each of these six hour blocks looks like. Also note that the Race Across The West organization places safety at the top of their priorities that are detailed in an extensive Rule Book that is strictly enforced. Breaking a rule can resulted in time penalties are even disqualification from the event. In the extreme, you can seriously injure yourself or someone else or worse.
There are essentially ten six hour blocks of riding with a goal finish time of 60 hours. Yep, that’s a challenge and the team of racers and crew are training diligently for success.
So take a few moments and scroll down through the route profiles below and while doing so, imagine you are on your bicycle pedaling with us.
Imagine yourself underneath the starting banners in Oceanside, California with the Pacific Ocean behind you and surrounded by cheering crowds. You hear your team’s name announced over the loud speakers as you launch across the starting line knowing that you have 930 miles with 50,000’ of climbing ahead of you.
Imagine yourself riding your bicycle through the hot desert stretch in Arizona with a 100 degree wind and blowing sand in your face.
Imagine yourself pedaling up a climb to 8,000’ in elevation and then screaming down the descent. Personally, I enjoy the climbing versus the descending.
Imagine yourself pedaling all night with the light of the moon and the headlights of the follow vehicle lighting your path.
Imagine yourself on your bike pedaling as you watch the sunrise or the sunset knowing that you have hours of riding left to accomplish.
Imagine yourself finishing up your block of riding and racking up your bike on the support vehicle and then quickly stuffing down calories and fluids to prepare for your brief rest break before getting back out on your bike for the next pull. Yep, no hotel stops or time for a casual meal in a restaurant. This is an around the clock non-stop race.
Imagine yourself seeing the finish line banners off in the distance and the rush of adrenaline rising in your body as you realize you are about to finish the race and you can finally get off your bike and celebrate the team’s accomplishment.
We invite you to follow us via our various social media platforms on our journey as we head out to Oceanside in June for Race Across The West. You will be with us at every step of way to the finish line in Durango.
If you are ready to join our team, please feel free to make a donation to help support our mission. No amount is too small as our challenge to help other is immense and your help will be appreciated.
Thanks for your support.
Craig J
When your exhaustive planning, long grueling training, logistics preparations, teamwork, luck, and execution of the plan comes true, amazing results can happen.
Race Across America 2021
A Plan and A Purpose
3,037 Miles 7d 19h 34min
We celebrated together with our partner organizations that are helping others.
We proudly partner with local organizations such as Hope is Oxygen, The Coffee Bunker, and Hope is Alive. After our successful finish in the 2021 Race Across America event, we’ve been able to donate thousands of dollars back to our local partner organizations and we are not done yet with these donations which have been enabled from the support of our followers such as you. Your donations have made a huge difference in both individuals and families who have been touched by suicide or mental health issues. Thus far, we’ve been able to celebrate with our partner organizations donations of $5,000 each to Hope Is Oxygen and The Coffee Bunker. These funds are already being put to use to help those in our community. Stayed tuned for more celebrations.