A.S.I.S.T Training March 3-4 only a few spots left.


A.S.I.S.T Training March 3-4 only a few spots left. 〰️

Team Suicide Prevention brings together cyclists and individuals affected by suicide in the Tulsa area to form a diverse group dedicated to advocacy, education, and support for suicide prevention. This includes providing hope, healing and resources to individuals and families impacted by suicide.

Graphic of a bicycle rider above the phrase "Team Suicide Prevention" with a road through a forest, promoting awareness and support.

We ask you to take a moment and browse the website to read people’s stories and learn more about Team Suicide Prevention and our dedication to advocate, educate, and support Suicide Prevention. At the same time, we provide hope, healing, and resources to individuals and families impacted by suicide.

The Overall Brutal Statistics of Suicide

  • Total Suicides: In 2023, over 49,300 people died by suicide in the U.S., making on average the 2nd leading cause of death.

  • Rates: That’s on avarage 1 death every 11 minutes.

For more demographics and Information Please visit the CDC by clicking the image above.

Infographic presenting suicide statistics in the United States. Highlights include: 47,511 suicides making it the 10th leading cause of death; higher prevalence among men and veterans; 90% of individuals who died by suicide had a diagnosable mental illness; lack of mental health services for 43.8% with a diagnosed condition; 73.1% states lacking enough mental health providers.
Infographic titled 'Suicide Data: Oklahoma' from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. It states suicide is the 8th leading cause of death in Oklahoma, with detailed rankings by age group. Highlights include: 72.1% of communities lacking mental health resources in 2020, suicide rates being five times higher than motor vehicle accidents in 2019, and firearm suicides accounting for a significant percentage. Data from 2019 shows Oklahoma had 816 suicides, with a rate of 20.48 per 100,000 population, ranking 8th in the state. The total YPLL before age 65 is 17,418.