Burk and Linda Pulver
We are Burk and Linda Pulver, 2017 founders of Hope is Oxygen, whose mission is to Restore Hope in those at risk for losing it, Prevent Suicide by providing Help Resources, and provide Postvention Support to those who’ve lost loved ones to suicide. We have partnered with over 30 nonprofits, both local and national, to achieve our mission, and are so grateful for our partnership with Team Suicide Prevention. Together, our two organizations cheer each other on and provide much needed encouragement, support and manpower to spread HOPE and HELP and SAVE LIVES.
When not sharing Hope with others, Burk is helping keep American Airlines’ planes safe while in the air as a member of management, and Linda is busy selling homes and property managing several rentals. Together, we love to travel and especially love learning the history of the places we travel, and hiking in amazingly beautiful creation. Covid has allowed us more time and space to do that, and in this hard time, we have found peace and a place to breathe deeply through our hiking adventures together.
We are profoundly grateful for Team Suicide Prevention and our partnership over the past year. We are daily inspired by the team members and their diligence and determination. We are excited to support them at local events, as they have always done for us. Together, we CAN and WILL save lives. We are especially excited about RAAM 2021 and being there to serve Team Suicide Prevention in whatever capacity is needed at the beginning of the race.
Hope IS Oxygen….Breathe,