About Race Across The West
Tuesday, June, 14, 2022
Race Across The West
For 10 years RAW has attracted ultracyclists from around the globe to take on the finest terrain the western USA has to offer. Starting in Oceanside, CA and following the first 930 miles of the RAAM route, winding your way through four states, ending up in the cycling mecca of Durango, CO.
Traveling west to east from the sandy beaches of Oceanside, over the Sierra Mountains and into the scorching Mojave and Sonoran deserts and eventually ending up on the Animas River nestled in the Rocky Mountain town of Durango. The route offers the best of the wild west!
Open to all cyclists wishing to race solo, 2- or 4-person teams. RAW is one of the longest and most challenging of the domestic RAAM qualifying races and is a sizable challenge in its own right. It is quickly becoming a global race, having had over 10 countries represented.
Becoming a RAW finisher means you have successfully pushed yourself to the upper levels in ultracycling. Wearing the official finisher’s jersey means you have completed an adventure that few cyclists will ever attain. RAW will stand on its own as one of the crown jewels of ultracycling…don’t miss your opportunity to shine!
RAW follows the first 930 miles of the RAAM course, from Oceanside, CA to Durango, CO and starts alongside the RAAM solo racers. Traversing some of the most beautiful country in the west, RAW leaves the beach in Oceanside, climbs the Coastal Range and the drops into the scorching desert. After crossing the deserts of California and Arizona, racers begin a gradual climb into the mountains surrounding Flagstaff, AZ and eventually into the Rocky Mountains. The race finishes at Fort Lewis College in the cycling mecca of Durango, CO.
Fans from all over the world follow RAW. They can stay up to date on the web with live GPS tracking, through the bi-weekly RAAM Newsletter, race blogs, social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and traditional mainstream media (television, radio and print). This coverage provides substantial value to both sponsors and charities
RAW Elevation Profile
Every year there are racers from at least 20 countries. Over 35 countries, from six continents, have been represented over the 35-year history of the race.
When asked why? Some might echo George Mallory’s sentiment about Mt. Everest, “Because it’s there!”
For most racers the why is not quite so simple. Reasons include raising money for a charitable cause, winning a division, setting a record, seeing the country, sharing an experience with friends, adding their name to the distinguished roster of finishers, etc. But, overwhelmingly most people race RAAM simply to have fun and challenge themselves.